Who is eligible to join?

SPRA have a range of memberships available, each with different levels of benefit access inlcuding:

Ordinary Membership £7.85/month from Jan 2020 (all officers and staff of Police Scotland, SPA and BTP - including Special Constables).

Associate Membership £15/year or £7.50/year for under 18 year olds (Immediate family and step-family - son/daughter, father/mother, brother/sister, child - of an Ordinary, Retired or Affiliate 1 Member). Please note that you will not be applicable for this membership if you are currently an active paid member of Police Scotland (Officer/Staff). Associate Juniors are not eligible to book subsidised events or corporate passes (an adult member must do this and be present on the day), participate in the lottery or use selected offers.

Retired Membership  £15/year from Jan 2018 (Former Ordinary members of SPRA or legacy associations in possession of an ordinary pension from Police Scotland/SPA - including ill health. Retired members can also opt to pay full membership fees to participate in SPRA Sections and PSUK events.)

Affiliate 1 Membership £7.85/month (Current employees of Agencies and/or Organisations deemed by the Association to be operating in support of Police Scotland and/or the Association membership - working within Police premises).

Currently SPRA have the following memberships available, each with different levels of benefit access:

Affiliate 2 Membership £7.85/month (Current employees of Agencies and/or Organisations deemed by the Association to be operating in support of Police Scotland and/or the Association membership (working outwith Police premises).

SPRA also have an Affiliate 3 Membership for Ordinary Members looking to continue their membership if they are no longer eligible for any of the above memberships. For example: if you are made redundant, access voluntary or early retirement, or you leave the organisation without a pension. This is subject to the approval of the SPRA Executive Board. To apply for this membership please email spra@sprapol.co.uk


How do I apply to SPRA?

You can apply to SPRA in a few different ways, however, the quickest and easiest way is through the SPRA website by clicking on one of the links above.

For applications from Police Scotland, SPA and BTP we can take your membership fee through salary deduction. 

All other memberships should be paid by Direct Debit, including Special Constables.

For a printable version of all application forms see below: 

Membership Application Form Police Scotland & British Transport Police
Application for Affiliate Membership
Application for Associate Membership (under 18 years of age)
Application for Associate Membership (over 18 years of age)
Application for Retired Membership
Application for Retired FULL Membership

Ordinary Full & Affiliate Membership Direct Debit Form
Special Constable Membership Direct Debit Form
Associate Membership Direct Debit Form
Associate (under 18 years of age) Direct Debit Form
Retired Membership Direct Debit Form
Retired FULL Membership Direct Debit Form